
Suchergebnisse 1-3 von insgesamt 3.

  • Heb je het geprobeerd - veel Nederlandse banken hebben een fraude coordinator ..... die bar weinig van dit soort meldingen krijgt. Veel mensen denken dat de Politie aan het werk gaat, maar die laat het in 95% van de gevallen liggen waardoor een signaal nooit verder komt dan een aangifte. Zou adviseren de bank te contacteren die de betaling ontvangt. Did you try - most dutch banks have fraud investigators/coordinators ....... but they generally do not receive reports on fraud externally. Most peo…

  • No, I'm from the Netherlands and I've worked for several banking institutions. From that experience I can tell you that Banking institutions will shut down accounts if fraud is obvious and monitor accounts closely if fraud is suspected (usually warn once and subsequently shut down). They have an obligation to report this as well (and this is taken very seriously at this moment). Problem is that signals often don't reach a Bank, but only the police (and they will not make any effort in 95% of the…

  • Thanks guys, this saved me 325 euro! If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is ... Maybe an interesting suggestion; banks are forced to act upon fraud with their banking accounts. In this case I send the bank an email to block and investigate this account with my experiences and a link to this tread. A bank taking the license from the regulator for banking seriously will block the account at once.